Memory Morsels:
Kombu is a sea vegetable known for it’s thyroid boosting mineral iodine which is crucial for thyroid hormone synthesis and believed to provide antioxidants that may even help prevent heart disease and cancer. It is also extremely potent in iron, delivering essential nutrients to your red blood cells to effectively carry oxygen throughout the entire body. This not only helps stave off anemia, but also improves focus and concentration.
All Day Energy Alkalinizing Broth

- 1 cup - thinly chopped peeled carrots
- 1 cup - chopped zucchini
- 1 cup - finely chopped celery ribs or root
- 1 cup - thinly cut green beans
- 4″ by 4″ piece of Kombu
- 1 heaping TSP - raw honey
- 1 TSP - himilayan salt
- 1 TSP - dulse flakes
- 8 cups - non chlorinated, filtered spring water
- 1 Put all the vegetables, kombu, honey, salt and pulse flakes in a large saucepan or medium/large stock pot (depending on how much you are making) with 8 cups of pure (nonchlorinated) spring water.
- 2 Bring to a boil; skim off any scum that rises to the top.
- 3 Reduce the heat to a simmer, partially cover the pot, and cook the vegetables for 10 to 12 minutes, or until they are soft.
- 4 Remove from the heat and let stand, covered, for 10 minutes.
- 5 Store in mason jar containers in the fridge, consume immediately or within three days and freeze the rest (see Naturally Nora tips above for more information about consumption and freezing)
- Consume 1 cup of warm alkaline broth every morning before breakfast to stabilize blood sugar and cortisol levels, while mineralizing the body.
- Fresh broth will only stay good in the fridge for up to 3-days, so make sure you consume it, cook with it or freeze it.
- Make a triple batch and freeze them in divided doses (3 cups per mason jar). When you are ready for your next batch, pull out 1 mason jar which will give you all day alkalinizing energy for up to 3 days.
- Try and use organic vegetables as much as possible for this recipe, especially for the celery.
- For the Kombu, I use Eden Organics Kombu