Buying foods in season offers numerous benefits including consuming ingredients during their peak freshness, being more cost-effective, supporting local farmers and reducing impact on the environment. Take a look at a few of the foods in season in August.



Green beans are typically in season during the summer months, from May through September.

When buying fresh green beans, look for the following qualities:

– Color: Choose beans that are vibrant green. Avoid beans that are yellowing, browning, or have dark spots.

– Texture: The beans should be firm and crisp. They should snap easily when bent.

– Size: Look for beans that are uniform in size for even cooking. They should be about 4-6 inches long.

– Surface: The surface of the beans should be smooth and free of wrinkles or blemishes.




Cucumbers are typically in season during the warmer months. In most regions, the peak season for cucumbers runs from May through August. However, in warmer climates, they may be available as early as April and last until September. Fresh, locally grown cucumbers are at their best during this period.




Peak peaches season is during the summer, usually running from May through August. To select the perfect peaches during their season, consider these tips:

– Color: Opt for peaches with a rich, golden-yellow hue. Avoid those with green areas, as they were likely picked prematurely. Some varieties may have a red blush, but focus on the yellow background color for ripeness.

– Texture: Gently squeeze the peach. It should give slightly under pressure but not be too soft or mushy. Firm peaches will ripen at home, while overly soft ones are likely overripe.

– Fragrance: A ripe peach will emit a sweet, pleasant aroma. If there’s little to no scent, the peach may not be ripe yet.

– Shape: Look for peaches that are uniformly round. Avoid those with flat spots or irregular shapes.

– Skin: The skin should be smooth without wrinkles or major blemishes. Minor imperfections are fine, but steer clear of peaches with large bruises or signs of decay.

– Weight: Choose peaches that feel heavy for their size, as these tend to be juicier.




Tomatoes are typically in season during the summer. In most areas, their peak season is from June to August. In warmer climates, you might start seeing tomatoes as early as May, and they can last until September. Check out this article How To Best Store Tomatoes.




In most regions, blackberries peak season runs from June through August. Did you know there are different types of blackberries? From wild and tart to big, juicy and sweet! There is a berry for everyone.




Look for bananas that are bright yellow with few brown spots for immediate consumption. If you want them to last a few days, choose bananas that are still slightly green! If you want to keep your banana from going brown, try these two tips:

– Separate The Bananas: If you buy a bunch, consider separating them. This slows down the ripening process as they release ethylene gas, which promotes ripening.

– Wrap The Stems: Wrap the stems of the bananas with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This can slow the release of ethylene gas.