Memory Morsels:

In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin C, Brussels sprouts are also a good source for tryp- tophan and essential omega fatty acids critical to healthy brain functioning.

Honey Roasted Beet, Brussel Sprout & Fennel Salad

Honey Roasted Beet, Brussel Sprout & Fennel Salad Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 15 mins Serves: 2-4


  • 2 cups - brussel sprouts
  • 2 cups - sliced beets (peeled)
  • 2 TBSP - coconut oil (melted)
  • 1/3 cup - raw honey
  • 1 TBSP - olive oil
  • Red or white wine vinegar


  1. 1 Preheat the oven to 400′. Melt 2 tbsp. of coconut oil and toss in a bowl with sliced beets and brussel sprouts until fully covered. Transfer the beets and brussel sprouts to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 25-30 minutes stirring halfway through. Meanwhile, wash and slice the fennel in to bite sized pieces and arrange on a plate. Set aside the beets and brussel sprouts after removing from the oven. In a small sauce pan over medium heat add ¼ cup wine vinegar (red or white), 1/3 cup raw honey and 1 tbsp olive oil to a pan and stir. Add the roasted beets and brussel sprouts to the saucepan and turn up the heat slightly so the sauce begins to bubble and thicken. Add a lid to the saucepan and let cover for one minute. Combine the beets, brussel sprouts and fennel and top with goat cheese before eating.
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