Memory Morsels:

Spinach is packed with at least 15 different antioxidant compounds known as flavonoids which can inhibit the formation of beta-amyloid plaques that build up in those with Alzheimer’s.

Citrus Soaked Butter Beans with Spinach

Citrus Soaked Butter Beans with Spinach Prep time: 24 mins Cook time: 30 mins Serves: 4


  • 2 cups - dried butter beans (can use lima beans)
  • 2 - lemons
  • 2 - medium sized oranges
  • 1 - fresh whole spinach leaves, stems trimmed
  • 1 - clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/4 -  loosely chopped parsley
  • 1 TBSP - cold pressed virgin coconut oil
  • 1 TSP - whole peppercorns salt, pepper to taste


  1. 1 Zest 1 lemon and 1 orange. Squeeze a good handful of juice from each into a bowl, then quarter the lemon and orange into large pieces and add to bowl with dried beans. Add zest and 5 -6 whole peppercorns. Add 2 cups water and soak overnight.
  2. 2 When ready to prepare, drain the beans but do not rinse. Discard orange and lemon pieces and make sure no peppercorns are left in the beans mixture.
  3. 3 Bring coconut oil to a medium heat in a saucepan. While heating chop garlic, parsley, and zest the remaining lemon and orange. Add garlic, lemon and orange zests to the pan, then beans, and cook until beans are completely soft (15 minutes). You may choose to add a bit of water to the pan to ensure a smooth, creamy consistency. When the beans are almost ready, add fresh spinach leaves and squeeze a good handful of fresh orange juice into the pan and cover. Let the spinach braise for no more than 2 minutes.
  4. 4 Top with freshly chopped parsley and serve immediately.


This dish is an excellent side dish to any baked fish, especially tuna, halibut or mackerel.
Substitute coconut oil for olive oil. Lima beans can be used in place of butter beans. Canned butter beans can be used, but substitute the soaking for increased cook time in the citrus.
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