Chia seeds are a versatile and easy to consumer ingredient rich in omega-3 fatty acids, important to brain and cardiovascular health. They also contains all four of the major nutrients needed for brain function. Eating plenty of chia can go a long way toward supporting the nutritional requirements of your brain in conjunction with a good balanced diet. The brain needs fat, protein, and carbohydrate to function properly, and it also needs antioxidants to defend itself from harm:
- Fat: Two-thirds of the brain is made up of fat, and the brain needs healthy fatty acids to produce brain cells.
- Protein: Chia is a complete protein — it has all nine essential amino acids that you need from your diet that support the brain and can prevent decline in mood and cognitive performance.
- Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are important for fueling the brain. When your body digests carbohydrates, they’re mostly broken down into glucose, which is a simple form of sugar that provides energy. The carbohydrates found in chia seeds release their energy slowly, allowing the brain to get the energy it needs to function well.
- Antioxidants: The brain relies on antioxidants to protect it from damage and impaired function. Oxygen balance is vital to brain health. But certain forms of oxygen, called free radicals, can damage brain cells through a process known as oxidation. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals before they can cause any damage.Chia is high in natural antioxidants that help protect against free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to many different types of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s or heart disease.
- BONUS: Chia seeds regulate the gut-brain connection. These tiny but mighty seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibre and act like pre and probiotics in the body, helping to feed the good bacteria in the intestines. A healthy digestive system is important, as the brain and ones gastrointestinal system are intimately connected.